The Weeks in Review

My photo
Just when we thought life couldn't get any better along came Saige! We welcomed our beautiful daughter on July 1, 2009 at 4:32 AM. Weighing in at 7 pounds, 10 ounces and 19.5 inches long. We feel so blessed to have her in our lives and to share such love!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Kauai Vacation

We spent a glorious week in Hawaii! Saige LOVED it - she was nonstop smiles the entire trip. Meeting new people, wiggling her toes in the sand, watching the chickens..... she was in heaven! And the plane ride was a breeze - after both legs of the flight we were told by several people just how good she was. Made us proud.

View from our hotel in the morning

View from our room

This was taken from our hotel. There's a whale in this photo. I swear.

This chicken family lived on our patio. Saige woke the rooster up every morning.

In case you were wondering why Saige is such a big baby.

1 comment:

Sean and Angie Battle said...

Ha ha. Love the comment on the last pix. Looks like you guys had a blast--awesome. I'm looking forward to getting out of town myself--too bad we couldn't go somewhere warm ourselves! Breakfast again soon? Or should we try an afternoon outing somewhere?