The Weeks in Review

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Just when we thought life couldn't get any better along came Saige! We welcomed our beautiful daughter on July 1, 2009 at 4:32 AM. Weighing in at 7 pounds, 10 ounces and 19.5 inches long. We feel so blessed to have her in our lives and to share such love!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Saige's First Christmas

Saige loved the tree and all the presents!

We think Saige was the best gift under the tree this year.

Cousin Cami and Saige got to play with new presents!
We loved having Grandma Julie here!

Friday, December 4, 2009

5 Months Old!

Well another month has snuck up on us! Saige is now officially past the little newborn stage and is now a Big Baby. She hasn't been weighed in awhile but we're guessing she's somewhere between 17 and 18 pounds. This last month has been so fun!

A few of the things Saige is doing now:
  • Grasping. Saige can now grab even small items and transfer them from hand to hand. And of course everything goes straight into her mouth.
  • New Sounds. Just a few mornings ago Saige woke up saying "bu bu bu bu" So cute!
  • Happy, happy, happy! It seems Saige always has a smile on her face! It's becoming more and more rare for her to cry - even when she first wakes up she's happy and cooing. And she laughs all the time!
  • Awareness. If Saige hears a sound she'll quickly turn to it and follow it with her eyes. She especially likes to watch Sister Tica as she paces around the room.
  • Perception. Saige has an uncanny ability to perceive the emotions of those around her. If one of us is sad or happy she can tell.
  • Eating Toes. Saige loves to suck her toes!
  • Sleeping through the night. While she's not consistently sleeping through the night, more and more she'll sleep straight through from 7:30PM to 6:00AM. If she does wake up it's usually just for a quick 10 minute feeding then she's back to dreamland. More importantly, she's going down easily and on a good schedule.
  • Traveling. We flew to California for Thanksgiving and are proud to say that Saige did fabulous on the plane. On the leg down she cried for about 10 minutes and on the way back she didn't make a peep! Such an easy baby!

She is such a joy!
